Firmware Update Nokia 5130 XpressMusic
RM-495 CareDP 15.0 06.94
Major Data Package v15.00 MCU SW 6.94
File Name : RM-495_CareDP_15.0_06.94.exe
Published 15/09/2009 Size 111.0 MB
Region : GLOBAL
26 September 2009
22 July 2009
F.A.Q About BB5 Contact Retailer Locked For All Provider & RPL WRITE
There Is No Full And Perfect Way To Solve But This Can Help To Solve...
Info About Contact Retailer In BB5 & SP Area Damaged & RPL Write Phone.
Few Things You Have To See Before Repair.
1 Phone IMEI Is Damaged Or Not? F.E 123456789012345
2 Phone Sp Area Is Damaged Or Not? F.E Config key -FFFFFFFFFFFFFF & PROVIDER - unknown
CONFIG KEY: 0000000000000000
PROVIDER KEY: 0000000000000000
Provider: Unknown provider
Key Code count: 0, FBUS Code count: 0
ex 2
PROVIDER KEY: 0000000000000000
Provider: Unknown provider
Key Code count: 0, FBUS Code count: 0
3 Bb Self Test You Can Do With Service Option.
Security Test
Simlock Test
4 What Can We Do If IMEI Is Damaged?
A.Simple And Easy Way To Repair Is If You Don't Have Backup. Calculate Bb5 Ask 2 Rpl And Write It.
B.Free Way Is Downgrade Phone Then Check. If IMEI And Sp Area Still Damage Update Back And Use Ask 2 Rpl.
5 What If We Have Sp Area Damaged? (F.E Configkey –FFFFFFFFFFFFF & PROVIDER - unknown )
A. Simple And Easy Way Is If You Have Backup Of Pm 308(Eeprom In Hex 134) Restore It With Write Pm. Remove Phone Insert Battery And Plug Again And Test Phone.
B. If You Don't Have Backup Just Use Bb5 Ask 2 Rpl To Repair It.
6 What If I Have Backup Rpl And Not Have Pm Backup?
A. Backup Rpl Is For Certificate To Repair Or Restore. So In This You Can Restore IMEI Of Phone But You Can't Restore Sp Area.F.E Configkey –FFFFFFFFFFFFF & PROVIDER - unknown
7 What If I Have Backup Pm And Don't Have Rpl?
A. You Can Restore Or Repair Sp Area But U Can't Restore Or Repair Phone IMEI (Certificate) With Only Pm You Need Rpl Backup Or CALCULATED RPL ONLY WAY.
8 Can I Restore Rpl With Usb Cable?
A. No You Can't Write Rpl (Certificate) Via Usb Because Its Need Active Flash Mode.
9 What I Do After Rpl Write Still Contact Retailer?
A.Most Phone Need To Rewrite Pm Field [1] And [309] For Writing This Fields Pm File You Have To Do SX4 With Supported Tools Then Do Fast Do Not Restart Or Off Phone Before Writing Pm File.
B.Most Phone Can Repair With Downgrade And Write Rpl Then SX4 Write Pm To See If Same Then Update Back Then See If Solved Or Not.
10 How To Get This Pm Section?
A.Read Any Working Phone Pm 1 To 512.Save To Pc.Open It To Notepad And Remove Field - [308] From It Save Again...Now U Can Us It.
Note That If U Forget To Remove 308field From That Pm Before Writing U Get Damaged Sp Area Phone After Writing This Pm.
B.You Can Also Use Only Pm Field - [1] And Field - [309] Also.
11 Can I Use Any Firmware Pm To Any Firmware?
A. Some Phone Have Security Check For Rf Value.So Test If Not Work U Need Correct Version Pm.
12 What If Still Have Problem Contact Retailer?
A. Do Self Test And Check St Security Test Is Failed Or Not?If Yes Then Read Post Again.If No Then Read B And C
B. If Self Test Pass Then Do Factory Default And After That Do File System Format .
C. As I Think Its Possible From Hardware Also So Check Hardware Section For More Help.. As I Think From My Side [Retu Ic] Responsible.
D. bandlock data can make problem of contact service. so for example only you have 5310 contact have universal box read cert with it and check in it "CCC_DATA_x" and "HWC_DATA_x" this data hold bandlock as we found in POINT you must write bandlock data rpl for this model and test it.. AND IT MUST WORK...
here is success stories so all of readers can see where and what can be done if you don't understand by reading. this point.
Read Here
13 What If I Get Can't Decode At Rpl Write Or Corrupted?
A.Best Way To Solve Contact Rpl Supplier.There Is No reason To Give Answer About This Problem Because JAF Team Not Making Any Rpl By Them Self..
14 What Is SX4 ?
A. SX4 Is Card By Nokia Work With Fps10 Fps8 To Calculate RPLS And Give Authorization Password To Phone.
15 Why We Need SX4?
A. To Change/Rewrite In Pm(Eeprom) Sections Fields.
. SX4 Calc Password For Phone. Because Nokia Have Protected Pm(Eeprom)Field [1] And [309]
B If We Need To Rewrite This Filed We Need To Use SX4.
16 Why Some Phone Have Problem Rpl Write But Still Sp Area Damaged?
A. Simple Your Can See Your Phone IMEI Is Restored Or Not. If It Was Damaged. Then Rewrite Rpl And Test Phone With Battery.
If Its Not Damaged Then For Sending Sp Area We Need Local Mode Or Test Mode Because Phone Don't Accept Sp Area In Normal Mode.
17 What Is reason To Use Rpl?
A. Many reason To Use Rpl I Write Here.
[1]To Repair Config key = FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
[2]To Repair Provider = Any Digit Or Number Or Show Unknowed
[3]To Repair Phone IMEI Damaged To 123456789012345.
[4]To Repair Contact Retailer Come Because Field[1] And Field [309]Damage And Corrupted
[5]To Repair Finished Counter Keypad Counter = 3/3 Fbus Counter = 10/10
18 How To Know That Rpl Come Is For Locked Phone Or Unlocked Phone?
A. There Is 2 Way..
[1]Just Write Rpl And See Lock Area
[2]Real One. Ask Any Nokia Access Owner To See Your Phone Warranty Before Process For Rpl. He Will Show This Type Of Info.
Serial Number:
35938*************** <------Your Phone IMEI. Warranty: No <--------Your Phone Warranty . Warranty Class: Standard 15 (Shipment + 15 Months) <--------- Warranty Time Product Type: Rm-78 <--------- Phone Nmp Code For Firmware Handset: 6280 <--------- Phone Model Name. Product Code: 052***x <--------- Product Code For Sales At Which Country. Start Of Warranty: 27-03-2006 End Of Warranty: 27-06-2007 Ship-To Country: Ae-United Arab Emirates <------- Sales Country This Phone Belong To This Country. Ship-To Customer#: Factory Simlock: N <---------------- This Is Most Important For Us. Its Show Factory Lock Status N = Not Locked Y = Yes Locked use this link to get ur warrenty info. HERE 19 How To Bring Phone To Local Mode Or Test Mode At Fbus Cable?. A. You Need To Do Modification At Cable Bsi Wire To Bsi Pin And Also Have To Do Modification At Bsi Pin To Gnd Pin. Modification Need Resistor Value 7.5k to 10k [test which is working for ur phone]For Bsi Pin To Bsi Wire Come From Rj45 Cable.68k Value For Bsi Pin To Gnd Pin At Service Cable. Note: I added image file to show more clear info. Please see this image file to understand more.also some phone have different place bsi line you can see at battery or service cable before applying this.
20 What Is Local Mode & Test Mode? How Many Modes In Bb5?
A. Here Is Info Please Look There.
21 Where To Get Working And Tested Modified Pm For BB5 Phone ?
22 How Many Way Exist To Unlock BB5 Till 12 March 2008?
A. words first & only at gsmhosting.
B. Update on this method as you all know when phone is damaged imei condition i give name "Bypass Security Mode".
We are able to write any pm we want Without any authorization. so main thing is how to bring phone in "Bypass Security Mode"? Answer is simple Just Damage IMEI and it will skip all check same time.
Now some newbie also asking how to damage IMEI? anyway all that non reading guys have answer here.
1. Backup CRT OR other words your phone certificate which have NPC bla bla other data. we need ONLY NPC DATA is main thing to backup all other is easy to recover without lost $$$ money i mean.
2. Write THIS (<---download link) RPL as Plan RPL. 3. Restart phone and try now to write pm or any other test you want to do. 4. MAIN THING RESTORE YOUR NPC BACKUP(your rpl backup) TO RESTORE ORIGINAL IMEI TO PHONE, IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS THEN PHONE WILL OFF IN 3 TO 30MIN. write modified pm solution was first in gsmhosting then all other forum and team copy it. idea by karwos and method by me. solution since 21st May 2008, 04:11 PM 24 what is bb5 rpl backup and calculated rpl? what are the difference? A. backup rpl is what we do with flashing tool. can backup your NPC, VARIANT AND OTHER Certificate in flash mode.. B. universal box read cert option can read both cert and sim lock data in same way.. that's really best way to do backup since jaf is not updating this part don't know why, but its really best for backup phones. no more pm need if you backup with universal box read cert.. C. calculated rpl come from nokia which we send public id. its have npc = imei, sp lock = sim lock area, sim lock key = calculated sim lock key for sending sim lock data, super lock dongle key = security by nokia to sending sim lock special key , some other certificate which help to make phone watch dog timer OFF. 25 How can i change bb5 phones band? or how can i change BB5 850/1900mhz to 900/1800mhz?? WORLD FIRST AND ONLY IN WORLD. ONLY AT GSMHOSTING. A. very simple method found today you just need to rewrite any working phone CCC DATA & HWC DATA.. for example ONLY FOR 5310B DO NOT TRY FOR OTHER PHONES SAME RPL. : you have 5310b phone you want it to work with 900/1800mhz write this rpl with jaf tick on plan rpl... now test phone must work with 900/1800mhz 100%.. tested and proved by user ".::NaNTeC::." BIG THANKS TO HIM FOR THIS DETAILS. and i made it for him. links for bandlock rpl
solution at this forum since "26th Dec 2008, 03:00 PM"
26 What is SL2 phones? why its not repair or restore sp are after restoring 308 pm backup?
A. SL2 phones are new security by nokia which use different simlock structure then normal slpl phones.
B. SL2 phones use 2 fields as secure simlock information. pm section 120 and pm section 308 to repair or restore to original status that phone you have to restore both section and all fields in it.
C. SL2 if you have pm section 308 backup only you can't restore your phone to original stat its show only contact service. at that case you need to restore pm section 120 or buy ask 2 rpl.
D. SL2 phones are supported in many tool this days so unlocking is possible without any problem.
E. There is SL3 phones special simlock structure which is unknown and still not possible to hack or crack so no way to unlock accept via imei and provider codes.
That's All.
As I Think This Is Perfect Information And May Help All.
Info About Contact Retailer In BB5 & SP Area Damaged & RPL Write Phone.
Few Things You Have To See Before Repair.
1 Phone IMEI Is Damaged Or Not? F.E 123456789012345
2 Phone Sp Area Is Damaged Or Not? F.E Config key -FFFFFFFFFFFFFF & PROVIDER - unknown
CONFIG KEY: 0000000000000000
PROVIDER KEY: 0000000000000000
Provider: Unknown provider
Key Code count: 0, FBUS Code count: 0
ex 2
PROVIDER KEY: 0000000000000000
Provider: Unknown provider
Key Code count: 0, FBUS Code count: 0
3 Bb Self Test You Can Do With Service Option.
Security Test
Simlock Test
4 What Can We Do If IMEI Is Damaged?
A.Simple And Easy Way To Repair Is If You Don't Have Backup. Calculate Bb5 Ask 2 Rpl And Write It.
B.Free Way Is Downgrade Phone Then Check. If IMEI And Sp Area Still Damage Update Back And Use Ask 2 Rpl.
5 What If We Have Sp Area Damaged? (F.E Configkey –FFFFFFFFFFFFF & PROVIDER - unknown )
A. Simple And Easy Way Is If You Have Backup Of Pm 308(Eeprom In Hex 134) Restore It With Write Pm. Remove Phone Insert Battery And Plug Again And Test Phone.
B. If You Don't Have Backup Just Use Bb5 Ask 2 Rpl To Repair It.
6 What If I Have Backup Rpl And Not Have Pm Backup?
A. Backup Rpl Is For Certificate To Repair Or Restore. So In This You Can Restore IMEI Of Phone But You Can't Restore Sp Area.F.E Configkey –FFFFFFFFFFFFF & PROVIDER - unknown
7 What If I Have Backup Pm And Don't Have Rpl?
A. You Can Restore Or Repair Sp Area But U Can't Restore Or Repair Phone IMEI (Certificate) With Only Pm You Need Rpl Backup Or CALCULATED RPL ONLY WAY.
8 Can I Restore Rpl With Usb Cable?
A. No You Can't Write Rpl (Certificate) Via Usb Because Its Need Active Flash Mode.
9 What I Do After Rpl Write Still Contact Retailer?
A.Most Phone Need To Rewrite Pm Field [1] And [309] For Writing This Fields Pm File You Have To Do SX4 With Supported Tools Then Do Fast Do Not Restart Or Off Phone Before Writing Pm File.
B.Most Phone Can Repair With Downgrade And Write Rpl Then SX4 Write Pm To See If Same Then Update Back Then See If Solved Or Not.
10 How To Get This Pm Section?
A.Read Any Working Phone Pm 1 To 512.Save To Pc.Open It To Notepad And Remove Field - [308] From It Save Again...Now U Can Us It.
Note That If U Forget To Remove 308field From That Pm Before Writing U Get Damaged Sp Area Phone After Writing This Pm.
B.You Can Also Use Only Pm Field - [1] And Field - [309] Also.
11 Can I Use Any Firmware Pm To Any Firmware?
A. Some Phone Have Security Check For Rf Value.So Test If Not Work U Need Correct Version Pm.
12 What If Still Have Problem Contact Retailer?
A. Do Self Test And Check St Security Test Is Failed Or Not?If Yes Then Read Post Again.If No Then Read B And C
B. If Self Test Pass Then Do Factory Default And After That Do File System Format .
C. As I Think Its Possible From Hardware Also So Check Hardware Section For More Help.. As I Think From My Side [Retu Ic] Responsible.
D. bandlock data can make problem of contact service. so for example only you have 5310 contact have universal box read cert with it and check in it "CCC_DATA_x" and "HWC_DATA_x" this data hold bandlock as we found in POINT you must write bandlock data rpl for this model and test it.. AND IT MUST WORK...
here is success stories so all of readers can see where and what can be done if you don't understand by reading. this point.
Read Here
13 What If I Get Can't Decode At Rpl Write Or Corrupted?
A.Best Way To Solve Contact Rpl Supplier.There Is No reason To Give Answer About This Problem Because JAF Team Not Making Any Rpl By Them Self..
14 What Is SX4 ?
A. SX4 Is Card By Nokia Work With Fps10 Fps8 To Calculate RPLS And Give Authorization Password To Phone.
15 Why We Need SX4?
A. To Change/Rewrite In Pm(Eeprom) Sections Fields.
. SX4 Calc Password For Phone. Because Nokia Have Protected Pm(Eeprom)Field [1] And [309]
B If We Need To Rewrite This Filed We Need To Use SX4.
16 Why Some Phone Have Problem Rpl Write But Still Sp Area Damaged?
A. Simple Your Can See Your Phone IMEI Is Restored Or Not. If It Was Damaged. Then Rewrite Rpl And Test Phone With Battery.
If Its Not Damaged Then For Sending Sp Area We Need Local Mode Or Test Mode Because Phone Don't Accept Sp Area In Normal Mode.
17 What Is reason To Use Rpl?
A. Many reason To Use Rpl I Write Here.
[1]To Repair Config key = FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
[2]To Repair Provider = Any Digit Or Number Or Show Unknowed
[3]To Repair Phone IMEI Damaged To 123456789012345.
[4]To Repair Contact Retailer Come Because Field[1] And Field [309]Damage And Corrupted
[5]To Repair Finished Counter Keypad Counter = 3/3 Fbus Counter = 10/10
18 How To Know That Rpl Come Is For Locked Phone Or Unlocked Phone?
A. There Is 2 Way..
[1]Just Write Rpl And See Lock Area
[2]Real One. Ask Any Nokia Access Owner To See Your Phone Warranty Before Process For Rpl. He Will Show This Type Of Info.
Serial Number:
35938*************** <------Your Phone IMEI. Warranty: No <--------Your Phone Warranty . Warranty Class: Standard 15 (Shipment + 15 Months) <--------- Warranty Time Product Type: Rm-78 <--------- Phone Nmp Code For Firmware Handset: 6280 <--------- Phone Model Name. Product Code: 052***x <--------- Product Code For Sales At Which Country. Start Of Warranty: 27-03-2006 End Of Warranty: 27-06-2007 Ship-To Country: Ae-United Arab Emirates <------- Sales Country This Phone Belong To This Country. Ship-To Customer#: Factory Simlock: N <---------------- This Is Most Important For Us. Its Show Factory Lock Status N = Not Locked Y = Yes Locked use this link to get ur warrenty info. HERE 19 How To Bring Phone To Local Mode Or Test Mode At Fbus Cable?. A. You Need To Do Modification At Cable Bsi Wire To Bsi Pin And Also Have To Do Modification At Bsi Pin To Gnd Pin. Modification Need Resistor Value 7.5k to 10k [test which is working for ur phone]For Bsi Pin To Bsi Wire Come From Rj45 Cable.68k Value For Bsi Pin To Gnd Pin At Service Cable. Note: I added image file to show more clear info. Please see this image file to understand more.also some phone have different place bsi line you can see at battery or service cable before applying this.
20 What Is Local Mode & Test Mode? How Many Modes In Bb5?
A. Here Is Info Please Look There.
21 Where To Get Working And Tested Modified Pm For BB5 Phone ?
22 How Many Way Exist To Unlock BB5 Till 12 March 2008?
A. words first & only at gsmhosting.
B. Update on this method as you all know when phone is damaged imei condition i give name "Bypass Security Mode".
We are able to write any pm we want Without any authorization. so main thing is how to bring phone in "Bypass Security Mode"? Answer is simple Just Damage IMEI and it will skip all check same time.
Now some newbie also asking how to damage IMEI? anyway all that non reading guys have answer here.
1. Backup CRT OR other words your phone certificate which have NPC bla bla other data. we need ONLY NPC DATA is main thing to backup all other is easy to recover without lost $$$ money i mean.
2. Write THIS (<---download link) RPL as Plan RPL. 3. Restart phone and try now to write pm or any other test you want to do. 4. MAIN THING RESTORE YOUR NPC BACKUP(your rpl backup) TO RESTORE ORIGINAL IMEI TO PHONE, IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS THEN PHONE WILL OFF IN 3 TO 30MIN. write modified pm solution was first in gsmhosting then all other forum and team copy it. idea by karwos and method by me. solution since 21st May 2008, 04:11 PM 24 what is bb5 rpl backup and calculated rpl? what are the difference? A. backup rpl is what we do with flashing tool. can backup your NPC, VARIANT AND OTHER Certificate in flash mode.. B. universal box read cert option can read both cert and sim lock data in same way.. that's really best way to do backup since jaf is not updating this part don't know why, but its really best for backup phones. no more pm need if you backup with universal box read cert.. C. calculated rpl come from nokia which we send public id. its have npc = imei, sp lock = sim lock area, sim lock key = calculated sim lock key for sending sim lock data, super lock dongle key = security by nokia to sending sim lock special key , some other certificate which help to make phone watch dog timer OFF. 25 How can i change bb5 phones band? or how can i change BB5 850/1900mhz to 900/1800mhz?? WORLD FIRST AND ONLY IN WORLD. ONLY AT GSMHOSTING. A. very simple method found today you just need to rewrite any working phone CCC DATA & HWC DATA.. for example ONLY FOR 5310B DO NOT TRY FOR OTHER PHONES SAME RPL. : you have 5310b phone you want it to work with 900/1800mhz write this rpl with jaf tick on plan rpl... now test phone must work with 900/1800mhz 100%.. tested and proved by user ".::NaNTeC::." BIG THANKS TO HIM FOR THIS DETAILS. and i made it for him. links for bandlock rpl
solution at this forum since "26th Dec 2008, 03:00 PM"
26 What is SL2 phones? why its not repair or restore sp are after restoring 308 pm backup?
A. SL2 phones are new security by nokia which use different simlock structure then normal slpl phones.
B. SL2 phones use 2 fields as secure simlock information. pm section 120 and pm section 308 to repair or restore to original status that phone you have to restore both section and all fields in it.
C. SL2 if you have pm section 308 backup only you can't restore your phone to original stat its show only contact service. at that case you need to restore pm section 120 or buy ask 2 rpl.
D. SL2 phones are supported in many tool this days so unlocking is possible without any problem.
E. There is SL3 phones special simlock structure which is unknown and still not possible to hack or crack so no way to unlock accept via imei and provider codes.
That's All.
As I Think This Is Perfect Information And May Help All.
Nokia N97 RM-505 Product Code Listing
Here are Product Code for Nokia N97 RM-505 you can used with NSU to change your language. To change product code used Nemesis Service Suite. Get it from here DOWNLOAD or from here
0587243: N97 Belgium CV B
0587244: N97 Belgium CV W
0584966: N97 Croatia CV B
0587242: N97 Croatia CV W
0587729: N97 E-Plus DE W
0585951: N97 France CV B
0588183: N97 France CV W
0586701: N97 Germany (DE) CV B
0586702: N97 Germany (DE) CV W
0585872: N97 H3G AT B
0585897: N97 H3G DK B
0585892: N97 H3G DK W
0585893: N97 H3G SE B
0585896: N97 H3G SE W
0586302: N97 HK CV B
0586303: N97 HK CV W
0587487: N97 India CV B
0587487: N97 India CV B
0587488: N97 India CV W
0587488: N97 India CV W
0586299: N97 Indonesia CV B
0586299: N97 Indonesia CV B
0587027: N97 Indonesia CV W
0587027: N97 Indonesia CV W
0586199: N97 Malaysia CV B
0586199: N97 Malaysia CV B
0586297: N97 Malaysia CV W
0586297: N97 Malaysia CV W
0587375: N97 Mobilkom AT B
0587245: N97 Netherlands (NL) CV B
0587246: N97 Netherlands (NL) CV W
0586782: N97 O2 CZ B
0585167: N97 Optus AU B
0585167: N97 Optus AU B
0589148: N97 Optus AU W
0589148: N97 Optus AU W
0587239: N97 Portugal (PT) CV B
0586703: N97 Russia CV B
0586704: N97 Russia CV W
0586300: N97 Singapore CV B
0586300: N97 Singapore CV B
0586301: N97 Singapore CV W
0586301: N97 Singapore CV W
0587025: N97 Singtel SG B V1
0587026: N97 Singtel SG W V1
0586577: N97 Spain (ES) CV B V2
0588301: N97 Sweden (SE) CV B
0588336: N97 Sweden (SE) CV W
0585729: N97 Swisscom CH B
0589616: N97 Swisscom CH W
0585718: N97 Switzerland (CH) CV B
0587861: N97 Switzerland (CH) CV W
0586019: N97 Telenor Serbia B
0588063: N97 TeliaSonera SE B
0586298: N97 Thailand CV B
0586298: N97 Thailand CV B
0587497: N97 Thailand CV W
0587497: N97 Thailand CV W
0589630: N97 Turkcell TR B
0590202: N97 Turkcell TR W
0585162: N97 UK CV B V2
0587240: N97 UK CV W V2
0587004: N97 VF DE B
0586776: N97 VF ES W
0587306: N97 VF Simobil B
0589585: N97 VF Simobil W
0585262: N97 VF UK B
0588469: N97 VF UK W
0587374: N97 VF Vipnet B
0589610: N97 VF Vipnet W
0586296: N97 Vietnam CV B
0586296: N97 Vietnam CV B
0587991: N97 Vietnam CV W
0587991: N97 Vietnam CV W
0576124: RM-505_APAC_AUSTRALIA Black
0576208: RM-505_APAC_AUSTRALIA White
0576129: RM-505_APAC_Bangladesh Black
0576211: RM-505_APAC_Bangladesh White
0576120: RM-505_APAC_CAMBODIA Black
0576132: RM-505_APAC_CAMBODIA White
0576128: RM-505_APAC_EMERGING ASIA Black
0576210: RM-505_APAC_EMERGING ASIA White
0575297: RM-505_APAC_HONG KONG black
0575841: RM-505_APAC_HONG KONG white
0575724: RM-505_APAC_INDIA Black
0576213: RM-505_APAC_INDIA White
0576121: RM-505_APAC_INDONESIA Black
0576133: RM-505_APAC_INDONESIA White
0576119: RM-505_APAC_MALAYSIA Black
0576131: RM-505_APAC_MALAYSIA White
0576126: RM-505_APAC_NEW ZEALAND Black
0576209: RM-505_APAC_NEW ZEALAND White
0576123: RM-505_APAC_PHILIPPINES Black
0576207: RM-505_APAC_PHILIPPINES White
0575722: RM-505_APAC_SINGAPORE Black
0576130: RM-505_APAC_SINGAPORE White
0575266: RM-505_APAC_TAIWAN black
0575829: RM-505_APAC_TAIWAN white
0575728: RM-505_APAC_THAILAND Black
0576135: RM-505_APAC_THAILAND White
0576122: RM-505_APAC_VIETNAM Black
0576212: RM-505_APAC_VIETNAM White
0576356: RM-505_EMEA_ALPS_QW Black
0576435: RM-505_EMEA_ALPS_QW White
0576364: RM-505_EMEA_BALKANS_QW Black
0576462: RM-505_EMEA_BALKANS_QW White
0576411: RM-505_EMEA_Baltian_QW Black
0576488: RM-505_EMEA_Baltian_QW White
0585556: RM-505_EMEA_Belarus_QW Black
0585574: RM-505_EMEA_Belarus_QW White
0576351: RM-505_EMEA_Benelux_FR_QW Black
0576420: RM-505_EMEA_Benelux_FR_QW White
0579050: RM-505_EMEA_Benelux_NL_QW Black
0579054: RM-505_EMEA_Benelux_NL_QW White
0579051: RM-505_EMEA_BULGARIA_QW Black
0579055: RM-505_EMEA_BULGARIA_QW White
0576410: RM-505_EMEA_CIS_QW Black
0576487: RM-505_EMEA_CIS_QW White
0581899: RM-505_EMEA_CIS_QW_2 Black
0581901: RM-505_EMEA_CIS_QW_2 White
0576366: RM-505_EMEA_CZECH_QW Black
0576468: RM-505_EMEA_CZECH_QW White
0576412: RM-505_EMEA_Estonian_QW Black
0576489: RM-505_EMEA_Estonian_QW White
0570817: RM-505_EMEA_EURO_QW1 Black
0576350: RM-505_EMEA_EURO_QW1 White
0574380: RM-505_EMEA_FRANCE_QW Black
0576423: RM-505_EMEA_FRANCE_QW White
0576355: RM-505_EMEA_GERMAN_QW Black
0576430: RM-505_EMEA_GERMAN_QW White
0576375: RM-505_EMEA_GREECE_QW Black
0576474: RM-505_EMEA_GREECE_QW White
0576377: RM-505_EMEA_HUNGARY_QW Black
0576480: RM-505_EMEA_HUNGARY_QW White
0576413: RM-505_EMEA_ISRAEL_QW Black
0576490: RM-505_EMEA_ISRAEL_QW White
0576358: RM-505_EMEA_ITALY_QW Black
0576459: RM-505_EMEA_ITALY_QW White
0579053: RM-505_EMEA_MALTA_QW Black
0579056: RM-505_EMEA_MALTA_QW White
0576406: RM-505_EMEA_MOLDOVA_QW Black
0576486: RM-505_EMEA_MOLDOVA_QW White
0576368: RM-505_EMEA_POLAND_QW Black
0576472: RM-505_EMEA_POLAND_QW White
0576363: RM-505_EMEA_PORTUGAL_QW Black
0576461: RM-505_EMEA_PORTUGAL_QW White
0576402: RM-505_EMEA_ROMANIA_QW Black
0576481: RM-505_EMEA_ROMANIA_QW White
0576403: RM-505_EMEA_RUSSIA_QW Black
0576484: RM-505_EMEA_RUSSIA_QW White
0576352: RM-505_EMEA_SCAND_QW1 Black
0576425: RM-505_EMEA_SCAND_QW1 White
0576353: RM-505_EMEA_SCAND_QW2 Black
0576428: RM-505_EMEA_SCAND_QW2 White
0576365: RM-505_EMEA_SERBIA_QW Black
0576467: RM-505_EMEA_SERBIA_QW White
0576367: RM-505_EMEA_SLOVAKIA_QW Black
0576470: RM-505_EMEA_SLOVAKIA_QW White
0576360: RM-505_EMEA_SPAIN_QW Black
0576460: RM-505_EMEA_SPAIN_QW White
0580747: RM-505_EMEA_Swiss_QW Black
0580748: RM-505_EMEA_Swiss_QW White
0576357: RM-505_EMEA_TURKEY_QW Black
0576458: RM-505_EMEA_TURKEY_QW White
0576405: RM-505_EMEA_UKRAINE_QW Black
0576485: RM-505_EMEA_UKRAINE_QW White
0576554: RM-505_MENA_ALGERIA black
0576573: RM-505_MENA_ALGERIA white
0575743: RM-505_MENA_ARABIC 1 black
0576558: RM-505_MENA_ARABIC 1 white
0576503: RM-505_MENA_ARABIC 2 black
0576569: RM-505_MENA_ARABIC 2 white
0576504: RM-505_MENA_EMBARGO NON GPS black
0576570: RM-505_MENA_EMBARGO NON GPS white
0576556: RM-505_MENA_FARSI black
0576575: RM-505_MENA_FARSI white
0588366: RM-505_MENA_Iran Black
0588367: RM-505_MENA_Iran White
0576500: RM-505_MENA_KSA black
0576567: RM-505_MENA_KSA white
0576502: RM-505_MENA_LEVANT black
0576568: RM-505_MENA_LEVANT white
0576555: RM-505_MENA_MEA B black
0576574: RM-505_MENA_MEA B white
0576553: RM-505_MENA_NORTH AFRICA black
0576572: RM-505_MENA_NORTH AFRICA white
0576562: RM-505_MENA_SSA FRENCH Black
0576578: RM-505_MENA_SSA FRENCH White
0576560: RM-505_MENA_SSA Multi Black
0576566: RM-505_MENA_SSA Multi White
0576561: RM-505_MENA_SSA PT Black
0576577: RM-505_MENA_SSA PT White
0576559: RM-505_MENA_SSA1 Black
0576565: RM-505_MENA_SSA1 White
0576563: RM-505_MENA_SSA10 Black
0576579: RM-505_MENA_SSA10 White
0576564: RM-505_MENA_SSA11 Black
0576580: RM-505_MENA_SSA11 White
0587796: RM-505_MENA_Syria Black
0587797: RM-505_MENA_Syria White
0575744: RM-505_MENA_UAE black
0576576: RM-505_MENA_UAE white
0580749: RM-505_MENA_Venezuela black
0580750: RM-505_MENA_Venezuela white
0587243: N97 Belgium CV B
0587244: N97 Belgium CV W
0584966: N97 Croatia CV B
0587242: N97 Croatia CV W
0587729: N97 E-Plus DE W
0585951: N97 France CV B
0588183: N97 France CV W
0586701: N97 Germany (DE) CV B
0586702: N97 Germany (DE) CV W
0585872: N97 H3G AT B
0585897: N97 H3G DK B
0585892: N97 H3G DK W
0585893: N97 H3G SE B
0585896: N97 H3G SE W
0586302: N97 HK CV B
0586303: N97 HK CV W
0587487: N97 India CV B
0587487: N97 India CV B
0587488: N97 India CV W
0587488: N97 India CV W
0586299: N97 Indonesia CV B
0586299: N97 Indonesia CV B
0587027: N97 Indonesia CV W
0587027: N97 Indonesia CV W
0586199: N97 Malaysia CV B
0586199: N97 Malaysia CV B
0586297: N97 Malaysia CV W
0586297: N97 Malaysia CV W
0587375: N97 Mobilkom AT B
0587245: N97 Netherlands (NL) CV B
0587246: N97 Netherlands (NL) CV W
0586782: N97 O2 CZ B
0585167: N97 Optus AU B
0585167: N97 Optus AU B
0589148: N97 Optus AU W
0589148: N97 Optus AU W
0587239: N97 Portugal (PT) CV B
0586703: N97 Russia CV B
0586704: N97 Russia CV W
0586300: N97 Singapore CV B
0586300: N97 Singapore CV B
0586301: N97 Singapore CV W
0586301: N97 Singapore CV W
0587025: N97 Singtel SG B V1
0587026: N97 Singtel SG W V1
0586577: N97 Spain (ES) CV B V2
0588301: N97 Sweden (SE) CV B
0588336: N97 Sweden (SE) CV W
0585729: N97 Swisscom CH B
0589616: N97 Swisscom CH W
0585718: N97 Switzerland (CH) CV B
0587861: N97 Switzerland (CH) CV W
0586019: N97 Telenor Serbia B
0588063: N97 TeliaSonera SE B
0586298: N97 Thailand CV B
0586298: N97 Thailand CV B
0587497: N97 Thailand CV W
0587497: N97 Thailand CV W
0589630: N97 Turkcell TR B
0590202: N97 Turkcell TR W
0585162: N97 UK CV B V2
0587240: N97 UK CV W V2
0587004: N97 VF DE B
0586776: N97 VF ES W
0587306: N97 VF Simobil B
0589585: N97 VF Simobil W
0585262: N97 VF UK B
0588469: N97 VF UK W
0587374: N97 VF Vipnet B
0589610: N97 VF Vipnet W
0586296: N97 Vietnam CV B
0586296: N97 Vietnam CV B
0587991: N97 Vietnam CV W
0587991: N97 Vietnam CV W
0576124: RM-505_APAC_AUSTRALIA Black
0576208: RM-505_APAC_AUSTRALIA White
0576129: RM-505_APAC_Bangladesh Black
0576211: RM-505_APAC_Bangladesh White
0576120: RM-505_APAC_CAMBODIA Black
0576132: RM-505_APAC_CAMBODIA White
0576128: RM-505_APAC_EMERGING ASIA Black
0576210: RM-505_APAC_EMERGING ASIA White
0575297: RM-505_APAC_HONG KONG black
0575841: RM-505_APAC_HONG KONG white
0575724: RM-505_APAC_INDIA Black
0576213: RM-505_APAC_INDIA White
0576121: RM-505_APAC_INDONESIA Black
0576133: RM-505_APAC_INDONESIA White
0576119: RM-505_APAC_MALAYSIA Black
0576131: RM-505_APAC_MALAYSIA White
0576126: RM-505_APAC_NEW ZEALAND Black
0576209: RM-505_APAC_NEW ZEALAND White
0576123: RM-505_APAC_PHILIPPINES Black
0576207: RM-505_APAC_PHILIPPINES White
0575722: RM-505_APAC_SINGAPORE Black
0576130: RM-505_APAC_SINGAPORE White
0575266: RM-505_APAC_TAIWAN black
0575829: RM-505_APAC_TAIWAN white
0575728: RM-505_APAC_THAILAND Black
0576135: RM-505_APAC_THAILAND White
0576122: RM-505_APAC_VIETNAM Black
0576212: RM-505_APAC_VIETNAM White
0576356: RM-505_EMEA_ALPS_QW Black
0576435: RM-505_EMEA_ALPS_QW White
0576364: RM-505_EMEA_BALKANS_QW Black
0576462: RM-505_EMEA_BALKANS_QW White
0576411: RM-505_EMEA_Baltian_QW Black
0576488: RM-505_EMEA_Baltian_QW White
0585556: RM-505_EMEA_Belarus_QW Black
0585574: RM-505_EMEA_Belarus_QW White
0576351: RM-505_EMEA_Benelux_FR_QW Black
0576420: RM-505_EMEA_Benelux_FR_QW White
0579050: RM-505_EMEA_Benelux_NL_QW Black
0579054: RM-505_EMEA_Benelux_NL_QW White
0579051: RM-505_EMEA_BULGARIA_QW Black
0579055: RM-505_EMEA_BULGARIA_QW White
0576410: RM-505_EMEA_CIS_QW Black
0576487: RM-505_EMEA_CIS_QW White
0581899: RM-505_EMEA_CIS_QW_2 Black
0581901: RM-505_EMEA_CIS_QW_2 White
0576366: RM-505_EMEA_CZECH_QW Black
0576468: RM-505_EMEA_CZECH_QW White
0576412: RM-505_EMEA_Estonian_QW Black
0576489: RM-505_EMEA_Estonian_QW White
0570817: RM-505_EMEA_EURO_QW1 Black
0576350: RM-505_EMEA_EURO_QW1 White
0574380: RM-505_EMEA_FRANCE_QW Black
0576423: RM-505_EMEA_FRANCE_QW White
0576355: RM-505_EMEA_GERMAN_QW Black
0576430: RM-505_EMEA_GERMAN_QW White
0576375: RM-505_EMEA_GREECE_QW Black
0576474: RM-505_EMEA_GREECE_QW White
0576377: RM-505_EMEA_HUNGARY_QW Black
0576480: RM-505_EMEA_HUNGARY_QW White
0576413: RM-505_EMEA_ISRAEL_QW Black
0576490: RM-505_EMEA_ISRAEL_QW White
0576358: RM-505_EMEA_ITALY_QW Black
0576459: RM-505_EMEA_ITALY_QW White
0579053: RM-505_EMEA_MALTA_QW Black
0579056: RM-505_EMEA_MALTA_QW White
0576406: RM-505_EMEA_MOLDOVA_QW Black
0576486: RM-505_EMEA_MOLDOVA_QW White
0576368: RM-505_EMEA_POLAND_QW Black
0576472: RM-505_EMEA_POLAND_QW White
0576363: RM-505_EMEA_PORTUGAL_QW Black
0576461: RM-505_EMEA_PORTUGAL_QW White
0576402: RM-505_EMEA_ROMANIA_QW Black
0576481: RM-505_EMEA_ROMANIA_QW White
0576403: RM-505_EMEA_RUSSIA_QW Black
0576484: RM-505_EMEA_RUSSIA_QW White
0576352: RM-505_EMEA_SCAND_QW1 Black
0576425: RM-505_EMEA_SCAND_QW1 White
0576353: RM-505_EMEA_SCAND_QW2 Black
0576428: RM-505_EMEA_SCAND_QW2 White
0576365: RM-505_EMEA_SERBIA_QW Black
0576467: RM-505_EMEA_SERBIA_QW White
0576367: RM-505_EMEA_SLOVAKIA_QW Black
0576470: RM-505_EMEA_SLOVAKIA_QW White
0576360: RM-505_EMEA_SPAIN_QW Black
0576460: RM-505_EMEA_SPAIN_QW White
0580747: RM-505_EMEA_Swiss_QW Black
0580748: RM-505_EMEA_Swiss_QW White
0576357: RM-505_EMEA_TURKEY_QW Black
0576458: RM-505_EMEA_TURKEY_QW White
0576405: RM-505_EMEA_UKRAINE_QW Black
0576485: RM-505_EMEA_UKRAINE_QW White
0576554: RM-505_MENA_ALGERIA black
0576573: RM-505_MENA_ALGERIA white
0575743: RM-505_MENA_ARABIC 1 black
0576558: RM-505_MENA_ARABIC 1 white
0576503: RM-505_MENA_ARABIC 2 black
0576569: RM-505_MENA_ARABIC 2 white
0576504: RM-505_MENA_EMBARGO NON GPS black
0576570: RM-505_MENA_EMBARGO NON GPS white
0576556: RM-505_MENA_FARSI black
0576575: RM-505_MENA_FARSI white
0588366: RM-505_MENA_Iran Black
0588367: RM-505_MENA_Iran White
0576500: RM-505_MENA_KSA black
0576567: RM-505_MENA_KSA white
0576502: RM-505_MENA_LEVANT black
0576568: RM-505_MENA_LEVANT white
0576555: RM-505_MENA_MEA B black
0576574: RM-505_MENA_MEA B white
0576553: RM-505_MENA_NORTH AFRICA black
0576572: RM-505_MENA_NORTH AFRICA white
0576562: RM-505_MENA_SSA FRENCH Black
0576578: RM-505_MENA_SSA FRENCH White
0576560: RM-505_MENA_SSA Multi Black
0576566: RM-505_MENA_SSA Multi White
0576561: RM-505_MENA_SSA PT Black
0576577: RM-505_MENA_SSA PT White
0576559: RM-505_MENA_SSA1 Black
0576565: RM-505_MENA_SSA1 White
0576563: RM-505_MENA_SSA10 Black
0576579: RM-505_MENA_SSA10 White
0576564: RM-505_MENA_SSA11 Black
0576580: RM-505_MENA_SSA11 White
0587796: RM-505_MENA_Syria Black
0587797: RM-505_MENA_Syria White
0575744: RM-505_MENA_UAE black
0576576: RM-505_MENA_UAE white
0580749: RM-505_MENA_Venezuela black
0580750: RM-505_MENA_Venezuela white
08 June 2009
Phone Model List od DCT4+, BB5, BB5+, SL1, SL2, SL3
Here is all info about SL1 SL2 SL3
* 6630
* 6680
* 6681
* N70
* N90
* 3109c
* 3110c
* 3250
* 3500c
* 3500cb
* 5200
* 5200b
* 5300
* 5300b
* 5500
* 6085
* 6086
* 6086b
* 6125
* 6126
* 6133
* 6131
* 6131 NFC
* 6136
* 6151
* 6233
* 6234
* 6280
* 6300
* 6300b
* 7370
* 7373
* 7390
* 8600
* E50
* E50
* E50
* E61
* E61i
* E62
* E65
* E90
* N73-1
* N73-5
* N75
* N77
* N80-1
* N80-3
* N92
* N95
* 3120c
* 3555
* 3555b
* 5310
* 5310b
* 5610
* 5610d
* 6267
* 6263
* 6300i
* 6301
* 6500s
* 6500c
* 6555
* 7500
* 7900
* 8800 Arte
* 5320
* 5800
* 6110
* 6120
* 6121
* 6124
* 6210
* 6220c
* 6290
* 6650
* E51
* E63
* E66
* E71
* N78
* N81
* N81 8gb
* N76
* N79
* N85
* N82
* N95 8gb
* N96
* E75
SIMLOCK2 = they have new root hash key 0x9DDB..New Security with Unprotected Firmwares..
* 3600 slide
* 5220 XpressMusic
* 7210 Supernova
* 7310 Supernova
* 7610 Supernova
* 7510a
* 5130C
* 6600 fold
* 6600 slide
SIMLOCK2 = SL2 New Security with Protected Firmware .
RAP3Gv3 PA_SL2 CPU USERS Called them SL3
* 3600s RM-352 - MCU SW 56.26
* 5310 RM-303 - MCU SW 58.58, MCU SW 59.42 .
* 6300 RM-217 - MCU SW 57.20
* 6500c RM-265 - MCU SW 59.45
* 6500s RM-240 - MCU SW 59.60
DCT4+ SL2 New Security with Protected Firmware .
* 2630 RM-298 - MCU SW 57.20
* 2680s RM-392 - MCU SW 56.17
* 7100supernova with new asic and MCU ID 3168 .
Various manufactures:-
* 5730 XpressMusic (RM-465)
* 6216 Classic
* 6600i (RM-570)
* E52 (RM-526)
* N86 (RM-484, RM-485, RM-486)
* N97 (RM-505, RM-506, RM-507)
* 6208c (RM-458)
* 6700c-1 (RM-470)
* 6303c (RM-443)
* 5630d (RM-431)
* 6720c (RM-424)
* 6630
* 6680
* 6681
* N70
* N90
* 3109c
* 3110c
* 3250
* 3500c
* 3500cb
* 5200
* 5200b
* 5300
* 5300b
* 5500
* 6085
* 6086
* 6086b
* 6125
* 6126
* 6133
* 6131
* 6131 NFC
* 6136
* 6151
* 6233
* 6234
* 6280
* 6300
* 6300b
* 7370
* 7373
* 7390
* 8600
* E50
* E50
* E50
* E61
* E61i
* E62
* E65
* E90
* N73-1
* N73-5
* N75
* N77
* N80-1
* N80-3
* N92
* N95
* 3120c
* 3555
* 3555b
* 5310
* 5310b
* 5610
* 5610d
* 6267
* 6263
* 6300i
* 6301
* 6500s
* 6500c
* 6555
* 7500
* 7900
* 8800 Arte
* 5320
* 5800
* 6110
* 6120
* 6121
* 6124
* 6210
* 6220c
* 6290
* 6650
* E51
* E63
* E66
* E71
* N78
* N81
* N81 8gb
* N76
* N79
* N85
* N82
* N95 8gb
* N96
* E75
SIMLOCK2 = they have new root hash key 0x9DDB..New Security with Unprotected Firmwares..
* 3600 slide
* 5220 XpressMusic
* 7210 Supernova
* 7310 Supernova
* 7610 Supernova
* 7510a
* 5130C
* 6600 fold
* 6600 slide
SIMLOCK2 = SL2 New Security with Protected Firmware .
RAP3Gv3 PA_SL2 CPU USERS Called them SL3
* 3600s RM-352 - MCU SW 56.26
* 5310 RM-303 - MCU SW 58.58, MCU SW 59.42 .
* 6300 RM-217 - MCU SW 57.20
* 6500c RM-265 - MCU SW 59.45
* 6500s RM-240 - MCU SW 59.60
DCT4+ SL2 New Security with Protected Firmware .
* 2630 RM-298 - MCU SW 57.20
* 2680s RM-392 - MCU SW 56.17
* 7100supernova with new asic and MCU ID 3168 .
Various manufactures:-
* 5730 XpressMusic (RM-465)
* 6216 Classic
* 6600i (RM-570)
* E52 (RM-526)
* N86 (RM-484, RM-485, RM-486)
* N97 (RM-505, RM-506, RM-507)
* 6208c (RM-458)
* 6700c-1 (RM-470)
* 6303c (RM-443)
* 5630d (RM-431)
* 6720c (RM-424)
29 March 2009
Free Unlock BB5 & BB5+ Phone
Good news again.. now you can free unlock BB5 and BB5+ phone for free, just used your HWK or JAF box to unlock it. It also can fix corrupted SL zone.
I have test this software and it work nice..
Follow link below to download
I have test this software and it work nice..
Follow link below to download
28 March 2009
C905 Speaker Problem
Here some solution to fix Sony Ericsson C905 Speaker Problem
Just Follow step in 1 picture if still cannot follow steps in 2nd picture.
Just Follow step in 1 picture if still cannot follow steps in 2nd picture.
Picture 1
Picture 2
23 March 2009
Celcom Prepaid Guide Infomation
This is the common setting for Celcom Prepaid Users. Hope you guys can utilize it for our own benefits =)
Balance enquiry
Topup Credit
*122*<16 top-up pins>#
GPRS Setting
Alternatively, Call 1111
Disable Voicemail
1. Call 1111
2. Choose to talk to operator (Option:0)
3. Give your personal details when you are asked to (for authentication purpose).
Airtime share
1. To register:
CAT6 Character PasswordMother’s Name
Send to 1019
2. To transfer credit:
Send to 1 followed by Recipient’s Mobile Number.
eg. RM5 ABC123 and send to 10191234567
Setting 8PAX
1. To activate:
send to 28882
2. To add number into your 8pax list:
send to 28882
3. To delete number from your 8pax list:
Send to 28882
4. To view all your fav number listed in 8pax:
Send to 28882
Balance enquiry
Topup Credit
*122*<16 top-up pins>#
GPRS Setting
Alternatively, Call 1111
Disable Voicemail
1. Call 1111
2. Choose to talk to operator (Option:0)
3. Give your personal details when you are asked to (for authentication purpose).
Airtime share
1. To register:
Send to 1019
2. To transfer credit:
Send to 1 followed by Recipient’s Mobile Number.
eg. RM5 ABC123 and send to 10191234567
Setting 8PAX
1. To activate:
send to 28882
2. To add number into your 8pax list:
send to 28882
3. To delete number from your 8pax list:
Send to 28882
4. To view all your fav number listed in 8pax:
Send to 28882
17 March 2009
OGM JAF FULL CRACK PKEY Emulator v5 - NO PKEY NEEDED - JAF Vodafone added
Specially for user without JAF box and only have HWK. JAF Crack Emulator v5
..:: OGM JAF CRACK FULL PKEY Emulator v5 - NO PKEY NEEDED - JAF Vodafone added ::..
Free OGM PKEY Emulator v5 features:
- NO PKEY required - as usual !!!
- Work with JAF addon BB5 NO TP Unlocker by Cinek 1.04
- Work with all JAF original setups (1.98.62 too).
- Work with JAF addon JAF VODAFONE/QUALCOM Addon V1.02
- Can access JAF support area (all servers, Raskal servers, Thomas servers)!
- Change emulated PKEY SN to many random values.
- Allow manual selection of emulated PKEY Serial Number
- Allow manual selection of emulated PKEY kind (Raskal PKEY, Thomas PKEY)
- Full lifetime counter for emulated PKEY at each software start
- For PKEY emulation used applets from original JAF 1.98.62
Download Link : JAF Crack By OGM v5
For Old Version JAF Crack clik read more
Download Link:JAF CRACK By OGM v3
Download link:JAF Crack By OGM v4
..:: OGM JAF CRACK FULL PKEY Emulator v5 - NO PKEY NEEDED - JAF Vodafone added ::..
Free OGM PKEY Emulator v5 features:
- NO PKEY required - as usual !!!
- Work with JAF addon BB5 NO TP Unlocker by Cinek 1.04
- Work with all JAF original setups (1.98.62 too).
- Work with JAF addon JAF VODAFONE/QUALCOM Addon V1.02
- Can access JAF support area (all servers, Raskal servers, Thomas servers)!
- Change emulated PKEY SN to many random values.
- Allow manual selection of emulated PKEY Serial Number
- Allow manual selection of emulated PKEY kind (Raskal PKEY, Thomas PKEY)
- Full lifetime counter for emulated PKEY at each software start
- For PKEY emulation used applets from original JAF 1.98.62
Download Link : JAF Crack By OGM v5
For Old Version JAF Crack clik read more
Download Link:JAF CRACK By OGM v3
Download link:JAF Crack By OGM v4
08 February 2009
Product Code Nokia N79 (RM-348) Listing
0568360: ALGERIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568381: ALGERIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565703: ALPS Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565719: ALPS Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568337: ARABIC 1 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568362: ARABIC 1 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568355: ARABIC 2 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568365: ARABIC 2 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568147: AUSTRALIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568158: AUSTRALIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568307: BALKANS No FMTx Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567517: BALKANS No FMTx Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565712: BALKANS Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565729: BALKANS Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565707: BALTIAN Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565723: BALTIAN Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568151: BANGLADESH Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568160: BANGLADESH Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568305: BELARUS No FMTx Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567513: BELARUS No FMTx Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565710: BULGARIA, ROMANIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565726: BULGARIA, ROMANIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0570457: CAMBODIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0570463: CAMBODIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568306: CIS No FMTx Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567515: CIS No FMTx Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0575187: EGYPT NO-GPS Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0575188: EGYPT NO-GPS Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568152: EMERGING ASIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568161: EMERGING ASIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0548645: EURO 1 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0562341: EURO 1 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0549405: EURO2 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565720: EURO2 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0556217: EURO3 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565728: EURO3 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568358: FARSI Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568368: FARSI Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565702: FRANCE Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565718: FRANCE Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568304: GERMANY Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567512: GERMANY Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565714: GREECE, CYPRUS Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565730: GREECE, CYPRUS Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0563060: HONGKONG Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0563061: HONGKONG Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568149: INDIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565869: INDIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0563062: INDONESIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0563063: INDONESIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565715: ISRAEL Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565731: ISRAEL Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0573198: ITALY No FMTx Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568303: ITALY Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567510: ITALY Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568353: KSA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568363: KSA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568354: LEVANT Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568364: LEVANT Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568144: MALAYSIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568155: MALAYSIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565711: MOLDOVA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565727: MOLDOVA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568148: NEW ZEALAND Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568159: NEW ZEALAND Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565867: NORTH AFRICA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568366: NORTH AFRICA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568146: PHILIPPINES Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568157: PHILIPPINES Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568300: PORTUGAL Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567504: PORTUGAL Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565708: RUSSIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565724: RUSSIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565706: SCANDINAVIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565722: SCANDINAVIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0549407: SINGAPORE Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0562343: SINGAPORE Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565700: SPAIN Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565717: SPAIN Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568384: SSA FRENCH Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568388: SSA FRENCH Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568382: SSA Multi Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568386: SSA Multi Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0569757: SSA PT Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0569759: SSA PT Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568383: SSA1 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568387: SSA1 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568385: SSA10 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568389: SSA10 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0569758: SSA11 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0569760: SSA11 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0575418: SYRIA NO-GPS Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0575419: SYRIA NO-GPS Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568298: TAIWAN Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568150: THAILAND Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568162: THAILAND Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0573519: TMO GERMANY Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565704: TURKEY Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565721: TURKEY Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568359: UAE Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568369: UAE Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568302: UK, IRELAND Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567509: UK, IRELAND Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565709: UKRAINE Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565725: UKRAINE Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568356: URDU Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568367: URDU Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568145: VIETNAM Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568156: VIETNAM Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568381: ALGERIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565703: ALPS Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565719: ALPS Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568337: ARABIC 1 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568362: ARABIC 1 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568355: ARABIC 2 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568365: ARABIC 2 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568147: AUSTRALIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568158: AUSTRALIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568307: BALKANS No FMTx Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567517: BALKANS No FMTx Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565712: BALKANS Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565729: BALKANS Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565707: BALTIAN Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565723: BALTIAN Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568151: BANGLADESH Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568160: BANGLADESH Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568305: BELARUS No FMTx Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567513: BELARUS No FMTx Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565710: BULGARIA, ROMANIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565726: BULGARIA, ROMANIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0570457: CAMBODIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0570463: CAMBODIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568306: CIS No FMTx Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567515: CIS No FMTx Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0575187: EGYPT NO-GPS Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0575188: EGYPT NO-GPS Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568152: EMERGING ASIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568161: EMERGING ASIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0548645: EURO 1 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0562341: EURO 1 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0549405: EURO2 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565720: EURO2 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0556217: EURO3 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565728: EURO3 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568358: FARSI Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568368: FARSI Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565702: FRANCE Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565718: FRANCE Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568304: GERMANY Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567512: GERMANY Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565714: GREECE, CYPRUS Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565730: GREECE, CYPRUS Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0563060: HONGKONG Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0563061: HONGKONG Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568149: INDIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565869: INDIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0563062: INDONESIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0563063: INDONESIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565715: ISRAEL Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565731: ISRAEL Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0573198: ITALY No FMTx Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568303: ITALY Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567510: ITALY Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568353: KSA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568363: KSA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568354: LEVANT Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568364: LEVANT Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568144: MALAYSIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568155: MALAYSIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565711: MOLDOVA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565727: MOLDOVA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568148: NEW ZEALAND Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568159: NEW ZEALAND Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565867: NORTH AFRICA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568366: NORTH AFRICA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568146: PHILIPPINES Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568157: PHILIPPINES Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568300: PORTUGAL Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567504: PORTUGAL Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565708: RUSSIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565724: RUSSIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565706: SCANDINAVIA Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565722: SCANDINAVIA Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0549407: SINGAPORE Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0562343: SINGAPORE Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565700: SPAIN Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565717: SPAIN Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568384: SSA FRENCH Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568388: SSA FRENCH Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568382: SSA Multi Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568386: SSA Multi Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0569757: SSA PT Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0569759: SSA PT Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568383: SSA1 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568387: SSA1 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568385: SSA10 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568389: SSA10 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0569758: SSA11 Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0569760: SSA11 Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0575418: SYRIA NO-GPS Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0575419: SYRIA NO-GPS Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568298: TAIWAN Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568150: THAILAND Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568162: THAILAND Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0573519: TMO GERMANY Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565704: TURKEY Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565721: TURKEY Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568359: UAE Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568369: UAE Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568302: UK, IRELAND Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0567509: UK, IRELAND Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0565709: UKRAINE Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0565725: UKRAINE Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568356: URDU Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568367: URDU Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
0568145: VIETNAM Pewter and Canvas White/Light Sea Blue
0568156: VIETNAM Pewter and Seal Grey/Espresso Brown
07 February 2009
Nokia N96 Product Code Listing (RM-247)
0567375: ALGERIA - Warm Titanium
0543714: ALPS - Warm Titanium
0567372: ARABIC1 - Warm Titanium
0543727: ARABIC2 - Warm Titanium
0543698: AUSTRALIA - Warm Titanium
0543719: BALKANS - Warm Titanium
0543718: BALTIAN - Warm Titanium
0562076: Bangladesh - Warm Titanium
0543701: BPA - Warm Titanium
0543707: Brazil Nokia Basic - Warm Titanium
0556600: BULGARIA and ROMANIA - Warm Titanium
0558618: CAMBODIA - Warm Titanium
0543725: CIS - Warm Titanium
0543713: EURO 1 - Warm Titanium
0543716: EURO 2 - Warm Titanium
0543717: EURO 3 - Warm Titanium
0543731: FARSI - Warm Titanium
0543712: FRANCE - Warm Titanium
0543720: GREECE,CYPRUS - Warm Titanium
0543557: HONG KONG - Warm Titanium
0543700: INDIA Latin - Warm Titanium
0543696: INDONESIA - Warm Titanium
0543726: ISRAEL - Warm Titanium
0567373: KSA - Warm Titanium
0567374: LEVANT - Warm Titanium
0556527: MALAYSIA - Warm Titanium
0543723: MOLDOVA - Warm Titanium
0543699: NEW ZEALAND - Warm Titanium
0543728: NORTH AFRICA - Warm Titanium
0543704: PHILIPPINES - Warm Titanium
0543722: RUSSIA/BELARUS - Warm Titanium
0543715: SCANDINAVIA - Warm Titanium
0543695: SINGAPORE - Warm Titanium
0554452: SPAIN - Warm Titanium
0568664: SSA-10 - Warm Titanium
0568663: SSA-11 - Warm Titanium
0554268: SSA-French - Warm Titanium
0554453: SSA-PT - Warm Titanium
0567380: SSA Multi - Warm Titanium
0543729: SSA1 - Warm Titanium
0543694: Taiwan - Warm Titanium
0543697: THAILAND - Warm Titanium
0543721: TURKEY - Warm Titanium
0554269: UAE - Warm Titanium
0568238: UK,IRELAND - Warm Titanium
0543724: UKRAINE - Warm Titanium
0543730: URDU - Warm Titanium
0554451: VIETNAM - Warm Titanium
0543714: ALPS - Warm Titanium
0567372: ARABIC1 - Warm Titanium
0543727: ARABIC2 - Warm Titanium
0543698: AUSTRALIA - Warm Titanium
0543719: BALKANS - Warm Titanium
0543718: BALTIAN - Warm Titanium
0562076: Bangladesh - Warm Titanium
0543701: BPA - Warm Titanium
0543707: Brazil Nokia Basic - Warm Titanium
0556600: BULGARIA and ROMANIA - Warm Titanium
0558618: CAMBODIA - Warm Titanium
0543725: CIS - Warm Titanium
0543713: EURO 1 - Warm Titanium
0543716: EURO 2 - Warm Titanium
0543717: EURO 3 - Warm Titanium
0543731: FARSI - Warm Titanium
0543712: FRANCE - Warm Titanium
0543720: GREECE,CYPRUS - Warm Titanium
0543557: HONG KONG - Warm Titanium
0543700: INDIA Latin - Warm Titanium
0543696: INDONESIA - Warm Titanium
0543726: ISRAEL - Warm Titanium
0567373: KSA - Warm Titanium
0567374: LEVANT - Warm Titanium
0556527: MALAYSIA - Warm Titanium
0543723: MOLDOVA - Warm Titanium
0543699: NEW ZEALAND - Warm Titanium
0543728: NORTH AFRICA - Warm Titanium
0543704: PHILIPPINES - Warm Titanium
0543722: RUSSIA/BELARUS - Warm Titanium
0543715: SCANDINAVIA - Warm Titanium
0543695: SINGAPORE - Warm Titanium
0554452: SPAIN - Warm Titanium
0568664: SSA-10 - Warm Titanium
0568663: SSA-11 - Warm Titanium
0554268: SSA-French - Warm Titanium
0554453: SSA-PT - Warm Titanium
0567380: SSA Multi - Warm Titanium
0543729: SSA1 - Warm Titanium
0543694: Taiwan - Warm Titanium
0543697: THAILAND - Warm Titanium
0543721: TURKEY - Warm Titanium
0554269: UAE - Warm Titanium
0568238: UK,IRELAND - Warm Titanium
0543724: UKRAINE - Warm Titanium
0543730: URDU - Warm Titanium
0554451: VIETNAM - Warm Titanium
20 January 2009
Nokia 5800 RM-356 Phone Product Code
0559669: APAC2 NZ RED
0559668: APAC2 AU RED
0559959: APAC2 NZ BLUE
0559961: APAC2 India BLUE
0559960: APAC1 Indonesia BLUE
0575392: 5800 Taiwan CV R
0575387: 5800 Taiwan CV B
0574676: 5800 Indonesia ID CV R
0575408: 5800 HK CV B
0574682: 5800 Indonesia IDCV B
0575407: 5800 HK CV R
0559548: APAC2 RED
0559931: Hong Kong BLUE
0559950: APAC1 BLUE
0559678: Thailand RED
0559857: Taiwan BLUE
0559953: APAC2 BLUE
0559676: Vietnam RED
0559958: APAC2 AU BLUE
0559670: APAC1 Indonesia RED
0559673: APAC2 India RED
0559963: Thailand BLUE
0559962: Vietnam BLUE
0559473: Hong Kong RED
0559472: Taiwan RED
0559476: APAC1 RED
0559669: APAC2 NZ RED
0559668: APAC2 AU RED
0559959: APAC2 NZ BLUE
0559961: APAC2 India BLUE
0559960: APAC1 Indonesia BLUE
0575392: 5800 Taiwan CV R
0575387: 5800 Taiwan CV B
0574676: 5800 Indonesia ID CV R
0575408: 5800 HK CV B
0574682: 5800 Indonesia IDCV B
0575407: 5800 HK CV R
0559548: APAC2 RED
0559931: Hong Kong BLUE
0559950: APAC1 BLUE
0559678: Thailand RED
0559857: Taiwan BLUE
0559953: APAC2 BLUE
0559676: Vietnam RED
0559958: APAC2 AU BLUE
0559670: APAC1 Indonesia RED
0559673: APAC2 India RED
0559963: Thailand BLUE
0559962: Vietnam BLUE
0559473: Hong Kong RED
0559472: Taiwan RED
0559476: APAC1 RED
13 January 2009
Preview : Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is a S60 5th Edition device with a resistive touch screen and tactile feedback. The device has variety of input methods: stylus, plectrum and finger touch support for text input and UI control (alphanumeric keypad, full and mini qwerty keyboard, handwriting recognition). Use the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic to connect to mobile broadband using WLAN or HSDPA (3.5G). Supported WCDMA frequencies depend on the region where the device is available. Find directions and locations with the integrated A-GPS and included maps.
When it comes to music phones, people all over the world want a device that is a great music experience - with more memory, loud and powerful speakers, easy synchronization - and must still work well as a mobile phone with direct access to important contacts and content. The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic delivers on all counts and allows consumers to access and share content.
Media Bar, Contacts Bar - putting people first
Taking advantage of touch screen technology, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic introduces the 'Media Bar', a handy drop down menu that provides direct access to music and entertainment, including favourite tracks, videos and photos. The Media Bar also offers a direct link to the web and to online sharing. Because the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic supports Flash content, individuals can surf the entire web, not just pieces of it. In addition, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic offers all the music essentials, including a graphic equalizer, 8GB memory for up to 6000 tracks and support for all main digital music formats, and a 3.5mm jack. Built-in surround sound stereo speakers offer the industry's most powerful sound.
Ensuring a seamless music experience, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic also provides easy access to browse and purchase tracks from the Nokia Music Store, where applicable, while the newly updated Nokia Music PC software allows for easy drag-and-drop transfer of songs and management of any music collection.
The innovative 'Contacts Bar' lets consumers highlight four favorite contacts on their home-screen and, through a single touch, track a digital history of recent text messages, emails, phone logs, photos and blog updates.
For the best screen resolution available on a mobile phone, the 3.2" widescreen display brings photos, video clips and web content to life in vibrant color and true clarity. With a 16 by 9 aspect ratio and 30 frames-per-second playback and recording, the device is ideal for VGA quality video recording and playback.
The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic also features a 3.2 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss lens and, with a single touch, images or videos can be shared via a favorite online community, such as Share on Ovi, Flickr, or Facebook. Music playlist song titles can also be shared through Bluetooth, MMS or online sharing.
Music for the masses
The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic supports 60 languages worldwide, which covers nearly 90 percent of the world's population. As people around the world use their phones in different ways, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic offers a variety of input methods including a virtual alphanumeric keypad, a virtual computer-style QWERTY keyboard, a pen stylus and for true music enthusiasts, a plectrum are all available.
Additional features include Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR, and USB 2.0 High-Speed.
The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic will be available worldwide beginning in the fourth quarter of 2008 for an estimated retail price of 279 EUR before taxes and subsidies. The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic featuring Comes With Music will be available early next year. Pricing details to follow.
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